Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Holidays!
We are doing so many wonderful things in our classroom! I hope your child has come home and told you all about their Wiki and their Movie Maker Projects! I've added some of the completed Movie Maker Projects to my website so you can see several in one spot.
I am so proud of the class for their hard work on the MM projects. They worked very hard to get the writing completed, to create the pictures with CoreFx, and then to narriate their movies. If you haven't had a chance to view them yet, please be sure to do so!!
We are always looking for Frog-Tastic Mystery readers... if you're interested in signing up for the January/February spots, please let me know!
Have a wonderful holiday!!
Mrs. Walker
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Last Frog-Tastic Mystery Reader??

We had the pleasure of having Carleigh's grandma come to read "You Can't Rush A Cat" to us on Friday. Carleigh was able to guess that it was her grandma based on the clue that she was little, she walks all the time, and she drives a red car.
Have a frog-tastic week!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Welcome Back!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful track out!! I had a nice three weeks, but I was very excited to come back and see the kids! Today was a great first day back and it went by so quickly! I wanted to post pictures of the new room. Our room is a little bit larger than the old room, and there seems to be more room to walk around. The kids also like the view!
I am excited to have tomorrow off and be able to sleep in a little. I'll be going to school to work on some things and organize a little more, but I do plan on enjoying my day off. Hopefully you'll enjoy the day off as well! Be sure to have your child study the study guide tomorrow!! The social studies test is quickly approaching!!
Mrs. Walker
Monday, October 20, 2008
We're Tracked Out!!! Whooo hoooo!!!
This last week we had our first field trip of the year! We went to Oak View Historical Park in Raleigh. We all wore our field trip shirts and looked super cute!
The kids learned about making butter, washing clothes, keeping food without refrigeration, and then they went to the field of cotton and were able to pick some. They went inside and learned about the five cotton B's: Boring, Back-breaking, Bloody, Burns from the sun, and Bugs. They saw a cotton gin and were able to use it, and then they were also able to see how much cotton a slave would have to pick each day.
After learning about cotton, they went to the barn and learned about the various artifacts used in the 1800s. They had to guess what each item was used for. The kids really enjoyed all the hands-on things this field trip offered. They also got to see the three resident goats at the farm, Boyd, Napoleon, and I can't think of the other one's name.
The kids ate lunch there and then we came back to the school for the remainder of the day.
The rest of the week went by really quickly. I was very fortunate to have so many helpers stay on Thursday and help me with the classroom. Thanks to them and some parents, we were able to get everything taken down, cleaned, and put in Ms. Allen's room in 40 minutes. That's a record-breaking time!!! Now I just hope I can get it all put up that fast (not likely).
I hope that over track out we can get together to see the new Madagascar movie that comes out November 7th. Maybe that weekend.
Anyway- have a great track out and I'll see you all on November 10th in room 600!
Mrs. Walker
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Track Out Week!

On Wednesday, Carleigh's dad came to the classroom to talk to the kids about fire safety. Last week was Fire Safety/Prevention Week. Make sure your family has a plan in place in case of a fire. It's also great to have a meeting spot and to practice what you'd do in the event of a fire. No one wants to have to experience a fire, but it's better to practice and have a plan in place, than to wish you had.
The Book Fair is here! I spent about 30 minutes on Friday looking at the books and creating a "Wish List." I can say that there are a lot of really great books and the prices are really good as well. Thursday night is the Book Fair Safari and you can come to the school from 6:00-7:30 and see all the great things planned. There are going to be live animals!! The great thing about the Book Fair is that some of the money helps Oak Grove. Our class preview day is Thursday from 2:00-2:30. If you'd like to send money to school with your child, that would be a great day. You could also come to school that day and look with your child. They do take credit cards as well as cash and I think checks.
Check out the website for pictures from Fire Safety Day. I created a slide show that's located on the main page.
Have a frog-tastic week!
Mrs. Walker
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Frog-Tastic Week!

Our fourth Frog-Tastic Mystery Reader came and read to the class on Friday. The class was able to narrow down the possibilites to two moms. Danny's mom played the part by showing up in a trench coat, wig, and a mask to hide her identity. Fortunately, Danny was able to identify her right away! She read two books to the class. The first was "You Are Special" by Max Lucado and then the second book was "Parts!" by Tedd Arnold.
I cannot express how much the kids really enjoy seeing who the Mystery Reader will be each Friday. I'm so glad that so many family members have signed up to come in and read!!
Mrs. Walker
Saturday, September 27, 2008
End of the 1st Quarter...

Mrs. Walker
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Frog-Tastic Friday!
This whole week the class has enjoyed having Mr. Peacock come and teach us some new strategies with
looked at pictures and wrote and then they were able to dig deeper and really work on character development.
As a treat, the class was invited to go outside on Friday and listen to Mr. Peacock holler. He was the National Hollerin' Champion in 2006. I was able to go to the 40th Annual Hollerin' Championship in Spivey's Corner, NC this past June and watch him compete. He came in 3rd
Friday was "National Talk Like A Pirate Day" and the kids were invited to dress up like a pirate for the day. Many of the parents were excited for this because they attended ECU (East Carolina University) and the ECU Pirates are taking on the NC State Wolfpack this weekend in NCAA football.
Next Friday is the end of the 1st Quarter. I can't believe how quickly the quarter has gone by! It seems like we just started the year and we're already about to start the 13th week!
We'll be spending the entire second quarter learning about non-fiction reading strategies. I think the kids will really enjoy this because some of their most favorite books are expository!!
Have a frog-tastic weekend!
Mrs. Walker
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's Been A While...
Mrs. Walker
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New Videos
Mrs. Walker
The Small Things...
Well, today was a pretty good day all things considering (I'm sick). At the end of the day, sometimes I play music for the kids to listen to while they wait for their buses to be called (sometimes we don't get out until 4:10).
I saw something today at the end of the day that just tickled me and made me smile. It was the kind of thing that I try to remember and then when I'm having a bad day, I think about to make me smile and remember why I absolutely love teaching.
Three boys were standing side-by-side at the table where the cd player is, and they were listening to "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay and they were singing their hearts out. It was so cute because they had no idea that anyone was watching them and they were just feeling the song. It was really cute and made me smile.
Mrs. Walker
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What A Week!

Mrs. Walker
Monday, August 18, 2008
So Much To Do!!
I'm excited about our upcoming field trips. Not only are they going to be amazing, but we're going to have class shirts. My husband has connections to an environmentally friendly company and they're going to give us a HUGE deal on the shirts. They're going to be really cute and I'm excited to see all my kids wearing them!
Our trips this year are going to surpass the trips last year. Even better, they're going to be cheaper than they were last year! This year we're going to be going to Old Salem in December. I'm really excited because we're going to be learning about Old Salem and the Moravian's this week in Social Studies! The kids are going to see it all in person! We're also going to the beach, but this trip is going to take us to the Crystal Coast (Beaufort, New Bern, and Kinston). We're going to the NC Aquarium at Pine Knolls, Fort Macon, Tryon Palace, the NC Maritime Museum (to see Blackbeard stuff), and then off to Kinston for dinner. Our trips to Raleigh (Capitol/Legislative Building and then NC Science Museum) will also take us to Pullen Park and Kids Together Park for lunch. We're also going to Oak View Park again and then a rock quarry!!
This week we'll be spending time talking about CROP-QV (Connections, Reactions, Opnions, Predictions, Questions and Visualizations) while reading and then in Writing we're starting to really concentrate on the area of Focus. Two really big areas in one week. The kids really seem to understand CROP-QV and seemed to have a pretty good understanding of what it means for writing to be focused.
I'm off to bed... it was rough waking up so early today!!
Mrs. Walker
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Back to School
So this was my last week of vacation. The July-August track out is essentially the "Summer Vacation" for track 3. All the traditional calendar schools go back on Monday (the same day that track 3 returns), and the end of summer is "officially" here. I can't really complain because I had a really enjoyable track out and caught up on some much-needed sleep. :)
You might ask, "Did you do anything school-related over track out?" Well, yes I did! I actually updated the Wikis and they're ready for me to show the kids. The kids don't have any writing or artwork or projects to put on their Wikis yet, but they're ready for them. So during our first week back, I am going to show them what the Wikis look like and give them their passwords. I also set up my online leveled readers for Houghton-Mifflin. They are awesome because the kids can read the books at home (on the computer). I also set up their accounts with Harcourt (our Social Studies program) and they can access the SS book online (in case they need their book while they're at home).
I also updated the website. The buttons all have a different look and I think it looks frog-tastic! It took more than 18 hours total to get it all set up and ready to be published. However, all the time was worth it because I really like it. I also set up this blog. :)
At school we organized all of our field trips for the year and we've finalized the dates and times for almost all of them. It's going to be a frog-tastic year for our fourth graders at Oak Grove!! I've updated my website (Montly Events page) with each of our (track 3) field trips, the times and the approximate costs. Check it out if you're interested!
When we return on Monday the kids will begin the Citipass fundraiser. I am excited because I think the Citipass is an awesome deal! Last year we added some storage space to our garage and my dad and Steve (my husband) went to Home Depot a few times to get some wood. I handed Steve the coupons for Home Depot and he saved $50!! The coupons paid for the Citipass ($20) and then some! What I like about this fundraiser is that $10 of each book goes back to Oak Grove, and it ends up adding up really fast! It's a wonderful and easy way to bring some money to the school!!
I've got a newsletter to write, so I'm going to go for now. Hopefully you're enjoying this blog and will check back to see what new things I have to share about our class!
Mrs. Walker
Sunday, August 10, 2008
First Post
This is the first entry for this frog-tastic blog!! Hopefully this will be something that not only the parents in my 4th grade class will enjoy, but their children (my students) will as well!
My hope is that I will be able to post various happenings on here and share all the wonderful things that take place on a daily basis in my classroom. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to post, but I'm setting a goal of at least once a week. I can't post at school, but I can post on the weekends for sure.
Please be sure to sign up for the updates (it'll send you an email each time this blog is updated) and bookmark us!!
Hopppy Blogging!
Mrs. Walker